Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"I like to move it move it!"

I went to the National Zoo today. It made me think of the Madagascar 2 preview I saw the night before. I wonder if the way the zebra in the movie felt about captivity is accurate to reality. Maybe it was me, but a lot of the animals just looked sad. I mean, think about it, most of those animals are prevented from doing the very things that they were created for. For instance, the cheetah’s living space wasn’t large enough to cut loose and run full speed...and that’s what it’s most known for! I heard that when a wild animal is kept in captivity for too long, it becomes domesticated, and doesn’t even want to go back to the wild anymore. Maybe they become comfortable with their cages, I don’t know.

Either way, today as I found myself building an affinity towards animals, I realized that it wasn’t the animals I was so concerned about, it was people who live their lives in captivity like the animals. I know too many people who are imprisoned or enslaved, whether it be lust, greed, fear, depression, insecurity, or so many other things. Is there anything in your life that you can’t stop doing or feeling, even if you tried? If so, you may not be as free as you thought you were. Well, I believe God wants to set us free. You were made for greatness. I hope we never become like that cheetah, but instead, be able to do all the things that God has created us for.

So now, I find myself unsatisfied with captivity, just like that Zebra from Madagascar. And since I don’t like to be stuck in a cage, my new theme song is the same as theirs... “I like to move it move it.”

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