Wednesday, August 27, 2008

“First things first” (1 of 5 time management tips)

Everyone thinks they need a little more time in their day. And I’m sure there are occasions when it’s true, like when your on vacation, or spending time with family and friends. But why do we try to jam so much into our already busy schedules? Why are we so hard pressed to join every campus group that will make our resume look good, or too afraid to say no to that professor or advisor who asks you to join a committee that you’re really not to enthusiastic about?

What do you think is best for you and the things you commit to? Is it being mediocre at 15 different things? Or is it being GREAT at 2-3 things? Some people may be great at more or less that what I just said, but the point is that we prioritize what is most important, and give more attention and energy to the things on the top of the list. In fact, I’m sure we can do away with some “good” things for the sake of some “great” things in our lives.

Jesus pretty much said the same thing. Check this link out. He said don’t worry about all the things in you gotta do. But the first thing on your list should be to spend time with Him, and just plain old live right. And in doing those things, all the other things (which are important) will come to you. Jesus is showing us, that if don’t prioritize our relationship with Him in our busy filled days, there’s a good chance we may not find time for the most important thing in our life, Him!

What have you done today? Whatever you do, make sure the first things first.

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