Tuesday, August 26, 2008

“Got Time?”

Class is back in session! And I’m sure students across the country are ecstatic! (I say that sarcastically) The truth is, so many students are freaking and stressing out. And dare I say that a lot of that stress doesn’t necessarily come from our workload, but from how we manage the workloads we have.

Time management can be vital to success and greatness, but so few are actually taught it. Even I need a lesson or two in time management every now and then. Now even though I’m no expert, I want to share some things I’ve learned from the bible and my personal experiences, on how we should spend our time. Isn’t it crazy that the bible actually has some practical applications about how we should live?

Many people know that were supposed to be good stewards of what we’ve been given, and many think that it’s only talking about money, property, etc. But did you know that it also includes time? It’s really not a far stretch, cause everyone’s heard the phrase, “time is money.” So how you spend your time is very important!

College should prepare you for “real life”, whatever that means. Not just in the areas of your future profession, but in areas of character, habits, and overall lifestyle. I believe that the way you leave one thing will determine how you enter another. So instead of waiting for after college to start learning how to manage your time efficiently and effectively, over the next five days, I want to give you five different principles on time management that I hope will help you as you start this school year. Got time?

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