Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Bullfrogs: They Nasty!"

So my niece is in town. Today we went to the National Aquarium. Good times. I just love this little girl. I’ve been planning so many cool things for us to do this week, and can’t wait to see her face when she finds some of them out. I heard that when you start having kids, you begin to understand and see God in a whole new perspective. I’m no daddy yet, but if the way I feel about my niece is any inclination of what it’s gonna feel like to have my very own kids, then I think I just took my understanding of God’s love and God’s plan for our lives to a whole new level.

It’s as if now I know why God prepares good things for us to do, because He loves us so much! As soon as it was official that my niece was coming into town, I immediately naturally started a list of things I KNEW she would love. That’s like God. His will for our life, is not just something that He wants us to do, and we just gotta obey and get on board because we feel we have to. I believe God’s will for our life is actually something that will fulfill the deepest desires of out hearts, even if on the surface it doesn’t look that way. We just gotta trust Him, and believe that His plans for our life are very good. Besides, He made us...I think He knows what we need and want, because He made us to need and want certain things.

What natural gifts and talents do you have, that you didn't have to work too hard for? What have you always been passionate about since you were a little kid? What dreams and goals do you have, that you have no idea where they came from? You find those things, you’ll be that much closer to finding out who you are, how God made you, and what He created you to do and love.

Also, spending time at the Aquarium also revealed something else thats very deep. Bullfrogs: They Nasty!

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