Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I’ve seen this picture before, but today it carried a little more weight. I noticed that this was a picture of ME! (except I’m not as physically fit). I don't believe in evolution, but it is right in how our culture has "evolved" to the point where were always on our computers and gadgets trying to get work done. Yesterday, I was so “busy” on my laptop, that I only acknowledged my wife’s presence...but didn’t really get to spend time with her. Now that I think of it, I was so focused I really didn’t get to spend time with God either?

Now, I’ve heard many people talk about how important hard-work is, and I totally agree. But I think there is something just as important, and I call it hard-rest. It’s not on google or wikipedia, so maybe it doesn’t exist… yet. But nonetheless the principal isn’t new. I think God was the first one to demonstrate this. Remember when He rested on the seventh day after making the heavens, the earth and everything in it? Now I’m no biblical scholar, but I don’t think He did this because He was tired. Maybe he was trying to show how important it is to step away from work (even work that’s good) to do something that’s very good. I love how after each day God created something, He said it was good, but after the day He created Adam and Eve, He said it was very good. Maybe He took the seventh day off so he could spend time with what He created. God’s intention of making you and I has always been relationship. Work is important, but why you’re working more important.

With school starting up soon, I wonder how many students (and non-students) this summer were actually able to “unplug” or take a break from working so they could spend time with God and loved ones? I’d love it if you could leave a comment telling us what you like to do with your downtime!

So let’s all take some time this week and just chill. With no pretext or goals other than to just relax and enjoy what’s been created for you and by you. It may be a little hard for you to find rest, but when you do, it’ll be just that, “hard-rest”.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff man. I never looked at the seventh day like that... I really need to learn how to prioritize things in my life! Thanks for the encouragement Pastor Rich!

Anonymous said...

U r absolutely right. I feel like I am constantly busy. Now that I am sitting back remembering the summer, and how I could have relaxed a little more. Although getting ready for school, driving to school, homework, was eliminated, with both kids home I feel it got more chaotic!! more of a mess, more activities had to be planned to keep the kids occupied, it's been a lil crazy!! A good crazy of coarse, but by the time bedtime comes calling.... I answer right away and and say HELLO to mommy time. which means catching up on news, emails, bills, SLEEP, etc. And there have been nights that I realize I did not "schedule" any time to dedicate myself to God. I most definetly need to do so. As a matter of fact, I gotta go, I have someone to apologize to. Love u!!