Wednesday, September 3, 2008

“timePOD" (5 of 5 time management tips)

I hope these time management tips have helped you so far. But I’m sure you’re wondering what happens when you apply all the tips, but still don’t have enough time. I’m glad you asked. This last tip is the one you use when all other tips don’t seem to cut the mustard. It’s prayer.

Sometimes in life things don’t go exactly as planned, no matter how much you prepare. Someone forgets to tell you important information, you get sick, or a hurricane comes and shuts everything down. There are so many variable to consider when managing your time. But when all your plans fail, pray! There’s a really cool story in the bible, about a guy named Joshua. God told Joshua to do something. Click here to read it. Joshua immediately went to work, but still couldn’t find enough time in that day to do the all that God told him to do. (You ever feel like that?) So instead of getting worried and nervous, Joshua talked to God in front of everyone, and asked Him to stop the sun and moon from moving. God answered his prayer, and Joshua was supernaturally given more time to finish his task.

Even though we know it wasn’t the sun or moon that stopped moving, but instead the earth had stopped rotating, the point is that sometimes you just gotta ask God for supernatural strength, grace, and even time in order to finish things you gotta do. Nothing wrong with asking God for help! I just wish Apple, with all of their cool technology, could create a device that freezes time. Maybe they can call it a timePOD?

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