Wednesday, September 24, 2008

“Here to Hear” (How we Hear- part 2)

In keeping with the theme of how we hear, I started to think about how people hear. And although I came up with a few ideas, I realized that the very thing I was doing was the fundamental truth behind today’s blog. I was looking to how others hear, instead of first looking to how I hear myself. Which brings us to our point for the day.

Sometimes we hear for others, not ourselves. Have you ever been in a class, or even in church, and you hear the speaker say something, and your immediate thought is how one of your friends needs to hear this! Now grant it, maybe your friend does need hear it, but it doesn’t mean we should dismiss stuff because we don’t necessarily think it’s for us. Jesus said it best when he asked, "Why do you try to clear the speck out of someone else’s eye when we have a plank of wood in ours?" He didn’t say there was anything wrong with helping someone see the error of their ways, or point them in the right direction, but that we should be sure to examine our own lives first.

I gotta be careful with this as well. Sometimes when I read the bible, all I see is what I can preach on campus, and not what’s for me. I think we all have to remind ourselves from time to time that God wants to speak us first and foremost, not just through us. So the next time we’re at meeting, let’s remember that were here to hear.

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