Monday, September 1, 2008

“Don't forget to eat your A.M's” (3 of 5 time management tips)

Hey everyone, SO SORRY I couldn't update my blog these past few days. I was out of town, and the hotel didn't have wireless internet. I mean c'mon! No wireless? Anywho, here's tip number 3 out of 5. Hope it helps.

Growing up, my mother never had problems with me finishing lunch or dinner, and every snack in between. However, she did have a hard time getting me to eat breakfast. For some reason, I just didn’t like eating early in the morning. (It’s still a struggle of mine) But as a kid, I always thought that as long as I ate the same amount of food as three meals throughout the day, I wouldn’t need to eat breakfast. Basically, I ate more food in less time. Looking back, it wasn’t the best strategy.

I think our schedules are like this sometimes. In the same way we need a balanced diet, we also need a balanced schedule. I see so many students with “top heavy” schedules, meaning nothing in the morning, everything at night. And all they do is run ragged all night long, sleep in, and do it again. Stressful huh? Even if you’re not the type to sleep in late, I want to encourage all of us (myself included) to become more productive throughout the whole day, not just in exhausted spurts.

The bible is full of examples of people rising up early in the morning to do things. Click here for a few examples. Even in His busy schedule, Jesus would get up early in the morning to pray, because it was the only time of day He could be alone. What does your day look like? Do you feel crammed with stuff to do? Do you feel like there isn’t enough time?

The bible says there is a time for everything. Maybe we just gotta use the time that’s given to us more wisely. Spread it out, not trying to do everything at once. And just like my mom always reminded me to eat breakfast, maybe I’ll remind you, “Don’t forget to eat your A.M’s”

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