Tuesday, October 7, 2008

“Thirsty Anyone?”

We started a series on campus last week based on our new ministry name: THIRST. So this month, I want to focus this blog in the same area. I think it’s so apropos that we kick off these blogs with an introduction that we are using for our website/brochure. Let me know what you think.

“Many students come to college with hopes to “start their life”. Some of life’s most important decisions are made in college. [Scary huh?] Things like what kind of career do I want, where will I live, who will I marry, & what will I give my life to. Now, we don’t want to tell these young adults what to do, but we do want to help them become the type of person who makes wise decisions in all facets of life. Its like that whole give a person a fish or teach them how to fish thing. We give them tools, but at the end of the day, they gotta choose. Popular ideas say the bible tells people what to do, but it doesn’t. It shows them & leaves the the decision up to them. We want to transform our colleges & universities, not by telling, but by showing. Were tired of seeing freshman not making it to sophomore year; of students leaving school because of pregnancy; of students catching STD’s; of students living life depressed; of seeing students hungry and thirsty for more than what they're getting out of life. Jesus said that if we drink from the water that He gives, we will never thirst again. The last thing we want to see is this young generation dehydrated. Thirsty anyone?”

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