Tuesday, January 6, 2009

“Saddle Up”

It’s been two months to the day since I last blogged. I initially wanted to take a break from all internet activity. Then I went on vacation, and found myself without an internet connection. Then I found myself just not thinking about it. Then next thing I know, it’s been two months. Ever noticed how the things we do daily are the things that happened gradually over time?

I once heard that bad habits are not formed over night, nor are they broken over night. You may be able to stop for a few days, but it’s not truly broken until you’ve taken the time to gradually make it a daily lifestyle. And we find ourselves at the time of year where most gyms receive their members, where most people vow to not eat sweets, and where most people read Genesis (the first book of the bible), but never make it through to Leviticus or Numbers.

[So are you saying we shouldn’t make any New Years resolutions Rich?] Im glad you asked. No I’m not saying that. But I am saying that in order to achieve any desired lifestyle, you can’t give up the first time you fail, or the 100th time you fail. There is truth in Proverbs that says no matter how many times God-loyal people get tripped up, they get back up, but those who are wicked end up flat on their faces...and stay there.

It would be so much easier for me to not blog today. But like anything in life, when we get off track...no matter how long...we gotta saddle back up. Saddle Up!


Mars Blackmon said...

Dude, this was an awesome way to get back in the blog game. Great segue to the verse, and I've been inspired to kick my bad habits by changing my lifestyle.

Anonymous said...

Way to "get back on the horse"! I admire your commitment to perseverance my brother. I once heard it said that it takes 21 days of doing something over and over to make it a "habit".

See you at Campus Harvest!